St. Anthony's Senior Living

Renewed Hope, Renewed Vision: How a New Year Will Bring Hope to St. Anthony’s Assisted Living in 2022

In our first blog post of 2022, we talked about something everyone can relate to this time of year: New Year’s Resolutions. Yes, there are about as many New Year’s Resolution conversations these days as gift returns, and both carry a low success rate. Yet we discussed qualitative resolutions over quantitative goals for two reasons: they’re easier to keep track of and they allow us to focus on the present instead of the future. But New Year’s Resolutions aside, everyone in the world can agree the New Year brings a fresh start. That’s why at St. Anthony’s assisted living center, we’re focusing on hope and how to approach these dark winter months before another beautiful spring reaches the midwest once more.

And although we mean “dark” from a sunlight perspective, we know January and February still have their bright spots!

The frigid 10 to 20-degree days mean staying inside is a must. But that’s also an opportunity to cozy up by the fire and drink something warm. When things do heat up a little—in the 30’s and 40’s—a brisk walk outside with a warm winter jacket can be super refreshing, especially if you’re feeling too cooped up inside. Our philosophy surrounding assisted living at St. Anthony’s is centered around a “better together” mentality. So whether it’s a quick step outside for some fresh air, or playing board games indoors, we are confident our community to weather any kind of storm winter throws our way.

Pushing Through Blue Monday

And we’re not just talking about “storms” in a weather sense. Unfortunately, January is known for one date in the year that carries a pretty negative connotation: Blue Monday.

Often slotted in as the third Monday in January, Blue Monday is associated with a few negative components that compound to create a pretty drab mood for just about anyone. Some of these factors include New Year’s Resolutions wearing off, the cheer from holidays fading, bank accounts hurting (from all those great presents!), and yes . . . some lingering darkness in the skies. Just about anyone in America goes through some woes this time of year because of many of those items listed. But there is one way (among others) to combat Blue Monday with everything we have: community.

As mentioned previously, St. Anthony’s assisted living is focused on the community that resides in our wonderful building. As a staff, our head is always on a swivel for anyone who might look down in the dumps. And if we ever do see someone in such a state, you know how we get to encourage them?

Assisted Living Means the BEST Days are Ahead

We encourage our residents with this truth: the BEST days are still ahead.

And we do mean that in two ways, as 1) the year has only just begun and spring is around the corner, and 2) life at St. Anthony’s just gets better with every year!

As for the former, we think about the word “melancholy.” That word, in its earliest usage, was considered a good thing. The word melancholy is a good thing because it points to the fact that better days are just around the corner, and that’s worth getting excited about! We take that attitude and pass it around from staff to residents, and residents to one another.

A renewed hope and vision for the future is only as good as our willingness to persist through those “Blue Monday” kind of days because we all have ‘em. We’re only human!

But no Monday can take away from an important reality—this life we’re living is a gift from God, and each day is another day we don’t deserve. The New Year certainly brings its own set of mixed emotions, but St. Anthony’s assisted living can stare each of those emotions in the eye and say “The best is yet to come because we’re all in this together.”

How to Come Alongside Our Community in 2022

So, we’ve laid some groundwork around our philosophy heading into the New Year. What might it look like for you to pragmatically come alongside our assisted living efforts? Consider any of the following as a good starting point at St. Anthony’s.

  • Schedule a visit. Do you have a loved one at St. Anthony’s currently? Then by all means, please come say hello! Our staff would obviously love to see you, but your friend and/or family member could for sure use some love in the winter cold. Never hesitate to pop by or call ahead to schedule a specific time to visit!
  • Schedule a tour. Don’t have a loved one in our assisted living program quite yet? We’d love to begin the conversation. Please reach out on our website about coming to take a tour of the facility. You’ll see plenty of smiling faces, but we always welcome one more 🙂
  • Spread the word. You may not be in a position of looking at or visiting St. Anthony’s anytime soon. But we’re willing to bet you know someone who might. Go ahead and shoot them our website information just to have on hand. It’s always good to have plenty of options when it comes to the best assisted living options in Kansas City.

So there you have it, a few practical next steps on top of some reasons we can’t wait to get 2022 started. Bring on the cold. Bring on the melancholy. Because for every 10 degree day, we know we’re one step closer to sunshine and a visit from all of God’s spring creatures.

